

Wayfaring Strange at Gencon's First Exposure Playtest Hall

As of this posting, in a little over a week, most Gencon attendees will submit their Wish Lists for tickets to more than 300,000 games and events that occur over the convention’s five days. We at Drowning Moon Studios will also be there, and hope you’ll manage to spare a little time for us. 2019 is the first year we’ll be participating in the First Exposure Playtest Hall (or FEPH), a sort of interactive showcase where tabletop and board game designers allow con attendees to play in-development games before they’re released to the public.

Most designers who debut games at the FEPH are actively looking for feedback on ways to improve their game, so participating in one of the playtest sessions allows players to be part of the refining and polishing process that normally goes on behind the scenes. Each session lasts approximately 2 hours, and the FEPH is open from 8am - 12am, Thursday - Saturday, and 10am - 2pm Sunday of the con, so there should be plenty of options to fit even the most active gamer’s schedule.

Drowning Moon Studios will be playtesting Wayfaring Strange on Thursday from 12pm - 2pm and 2pm - 4pm, and Saturday at 10am - 12pm and 8pm - 10pm.

Wayfaring Strange is a diceless tabletop roleplaying game that explores the concepts of hidden highways, folk legends and the necessity of survival in liminal America. Players portray characters who have been affected by the Strange--an inexplicable force that lingers at the edges of civilized society--who have fallen through the cracks and must learn how to travel through a world that exists just beneath the surface of the one they once knew.

Joie Martin